10” x 10″ oil, metallic powder and cold wax medium on wood panel This is a portrait of my grandmother when she was a girl. This painting has a thin layer of cold wax over the surface protecting the layers
10” x 10″ oil, cold wax, galkyd and metalic powder on wood panel This was comissioned as a companion for “Marti“
10″ x 10″ oil and metallic powder on wood panel I’ve made this one more bold with higher contrast and thicker, broader paint strokes. Before the painting was completely dry I applied metallic powder over the darker areas of the
Noni on the Car
Progress This is Noni, a relative, from a photo taken in the late 30’s or early 40’s. I have just a few photos of her, and I will be painting all of them. This is the first in the series.
Eldoris 10” x 10″ oil, cold wax and galkyd on wood panel My grandmother circa 1943. I find it very satisfying when a finished painting reveals the whole process of how it was created from start to completion.
10″ x 10″ oil, cold wax and galkyd on wood panel My mom’s cousin back around 1948. She was not a happy little girl when this photo was taken. I isolated her face from a group photo of her with
Ahmzie With Bike
20″ x 24″ oil, cold wax and galkyd on wood panel Ahmzie With Bike was done from a picture of my great aunt on my mom’s side of the family, photo taken around 1943. I love looking at these old
Teen Margaret ~ cold wax and oil
10″ x 10″ oil and cold wax on wood panel This paintng was done from my grandmother’s high school graduation picture. another view This painting, like Lake Lady, has many slightly textured layers of transparent cold wax over a softly