Noni is one of my favorite painting subjects. She is a distant, long-deceased relative who appears often in the stacks of old family photos I use for reference and inspiration. I am especially drawn to Noni’s beautiful face that seems
Noni in a White Dress
Watercolor and India Ink on Arches 140lb cold pressed paper. 18″x24″ May 2013 submission for the San Diego Watercolor Society show. Updated: Noni in a White Dress. I decided to apply additional layers to the painting. I felt like the
Watercolor on cold pressed paper 5″x7″ – 8″x10″ framed From an old family photograph. Circa late 1930’s. Sold – SDWS March 1, 2013 First Friday
Noni on the Grass
Out in the Open Watercolor on cold pressed paper 11″x14″ – 16″x20″ framed This is a watercolor I did from an old family photograph, circa 1930’s. It’s of my great aunt Noni, whom I never met. In all the photographs
Venturing into Watercolor
I am getting ready to submit work for the December San Diego Watercolor Society show. This is my first show. It’s exciting venturing into watercolors. I am beginning to see the value of the layering potential with this medium, and
Noni in a White Dress
24” x 30″ oil on canvas This is a portrait of of Noni circa 1930’s2012
10″ x 10″ oil and metallic powder on wood panel I’ve made this one more bold with higher contrast and thicker, broader paint strokes. Before the painting was completely dry I applied metallic powder over the darker areas of the
Noni on the Car
Progress This is Noni, a relative, from a photo taken in the late 30’s or early 40’s. I have just a few photos of her, and I will be painting all of them. This is the first in the series.